Qristal Emulator
Explore the utility of your quantum enhanced solutions
Quantum Brilliance Qristal Emulator efficiently mimics the behavior of near-term quantum hardware. This will allow the industry to determine the exact number of qubits required to outperform classical computers in real-world use cases. This is a critical step towards practical quantum utility in the near future.
Our Emulator leverages the power of NVIDIA’s cuQuantum libraries to bring a new level of efficiency to quantum circuit simulation. This combination of cutting-edge technologies ensures that our simulator delivers accurate and reliable results.
💎Detailed noise models for current and future Quantum Brilliance hardware
💎 Noise-aware circuit placement
💎 Noisy circuit simulation on multiple GPUs or CPUs
💎 GPU-enabled state vector simulators
💎 GPU-enabled tensor network simulators
💎 accelerated with NVIDIA cuQuantum